Turning Slow Seasons into Success

As everybody knows, it is slow in the small business world right now. Everybody is quarantined and honestly, nobody is really concerned with getting a spray tan. I learned pretty fast that my busy season quiet possibly may turn into the slowest season of my life. I mean who expected a fast spreading virus to close down formals, proms, and dance competitions? I was depending on this season's incomes to pay off some supplies I had bulk ordered. I stocked up on spray tan supplies when I should've been stocking up on toilet paper.

My anxiety got the best of me at first, but after I had a major mindset shift, I realized God gave me this time for a reason. I was so busy freaking out about the end of the world to notice that God had given me exactly what I prayed for: TIME! Below, I am going to list out a few ways I have utilized my time to help my business  when things pick back up.

1. Create content

If there was one thing that I could say takes up the majority of my time, it would be creating content. In the past three days, I have worked on creating social media strategies that will go in effect in a few weeks when things lighten up. Once I have a game plan, I begin creating the content to fill the strategy. I have gone out, taken pictures, writing blog posts, and scheduled posts.

2. Organize and clean

This applies to everybody. When I work in a clean and organized space, I am at my highest level of productivity. Here are some areas in your life to focus on organization and cleaning.
  • clean equipment (deep clean)
  • organize supplies
  • manage schedule 
  • organize social media posts (delete nonessential pictures)
  • clean your desk (I can never concentrate at a messy desk)
Take a few minutes to think about your personal life and businesses and the areas in which you can organize and clean. Being a small business owner, I understand that we sometimes do it all. This is a great chance to get some aspects done for the future. 

3. Interact

I know, this is the exact opposite of what medical officials are telling us to do. Social distancing is the only way to slow the spread of this virus, but we are so grateful to live in a time where social media exists! I have slowly learned to appreciate the value of social media and how powerful it can be for our businesses. 

Think of social interaction very simply. How can we expect to have bounds of comments and likes when we refuse to do the same for other small businesses? How do we expect to attract clients when we are too afraid to make meaningful connections? Think about what you wish for your business, and do that for local businesses around you! 

4. Follow Up with Clients

Have a client you want to catch up with? Now is the perfect time. Connections build a strong clientele; this means messaging them to check on them. Don't necessarily try to sell them something. Don't try to make them book a service. Show them you care and that you are a human being too! 

Now if you are looking for something a little more solid to help your business, you can try reaching out to past clients to leave reviews or referring your business to a friend. There are many people who are willing to leave a 5 star review if you just ask. Of course, don't ask people who have had a negative experience with your products or services. 

5. Organize a Giveaway

Let me tell you what. I was mad that the virus hit America when it did. I had a massive giveaway planned with a ton of local businesses. I was doing great things and conquering the world, and this virus came and knocked me back on my butt. Here's the thing though... When this is all over with and people are sick of staring at their walls, they are going to be desperate. They are going to come running to your businesses and book a service or two to pamper themselves. Their hair will be ready for an appointment, their nails will need a fill, and their skin will need a tan.

That same giveaway I had planned, I have modified and altered it to be announced at a later date. I know that I will have even greater success with it now because I know people will want it. People are going to get excited, so why not get them excited about a giveaway that will drive people to your business? 

If you just recently ran a giveaway, or you find yourself constantly doing giveaways to boost interactions, refer back to my first tip. Use this time to rebrand, organize, and make your social media presence better than ever! 

6. Be real, Be a light

Finally, I want to tell you to be real. Be real with your followers and yourself. If you are scared, let them know. There is nothing more reassuring to know that the person behind that successful business is a real person with real feelings. People are intimidated by people who "have it all together." This is a great time to have a "real talk" with your followers or with your loved ones. Get the support you need, and don't pretend during a time of crisis because we are all in this together. If there are simple things people can do to support your small business, be honest and tell them.

On the other hand, be a light for your followers. Nobody wants to see constant negativity. People really do crave good vibes, and if you are continuing to be a light during a hard time, people will remember that. People will flock to you and stay for when times are "good" again (not that they're not good now). There are ways to do this such as sharing a photo of your cute puppy or sharing a funny story. Be creative with this because people love originality.
